FAQ & Support
Answers to Common Questions and Helpful Tips
Can’t find the answer to your question? Contact us.
General Info
Please visit the Client Center which provides all your essentials, all in one place.
Since 2011, we have worked with many of Christian music’s most renowned artists, songwriters, and lesser-known greats. We choose not to display our current or alum clientele on this website at this time.
However, you may follow us on Spotify and Instagram to explore our catalog and learn more about who we work with.
We are not currently accepting unsolicited song submissions. However, if you are interested in partnering with us, you may complete our Partnership Inquiry form and include a link where we can hear your music.
We are committed to our work, and every partnership is meaningful. While we cannot take on every inquiry, please feel free to complete our Partnership Inquiry form.
If we feel we are a good fit for each other and have the capacity, we will respond to your inquiry at our earliest convenience.
The best way is here.
Music Licensing
If you are looking and need to know if we control rights for any given song, the easiest way to find out at the moment is to ask!
Our catalog is currently disabled from public viewing on this website as we are building a new system to accommodate catalog searching. However, you can search other public databases, such as CCLI, ASCAP, BMI, Capitol CMG Publishing, and Spotify.
United States
Users in the United States may license songs from the Watershed Music Publishing catalog via Capitol CMG Publishing.
Contact Editora Adorando Ltda. at adm@Adorando.com.br.
Australia, New Zealand, Solomon Islands, Papua New Guinea
Contact SHOUT! Music Publishing at CCMG@ShoutPublishing.com.au.
Rest of World
Contact Universal Music Publishing Group at inboxlicensing@umusic.com.
If you would like to translate one of our compositions into another language or are requesting an official translation for use on a recording:
Certain songs have official translations. If an official translation exists, we ask that you obtain a license for that version.
If an official translation does not exist and you would like to create one, please complete and return this Translation Request Form.
Please direct all translation inquiries to CapitolCMGTranslations@umusic.com directly.
Each of our owned or controlled master sound recordings is subject to the approval of the sound recording owner. Please contact us to find out if we control any particular recordings you would like to license.
If you are creating a video for personal use (“User-Generated Content”), and not to promote a product, business, or other commercial use, you do not need a license to post your video on your personal YouTube page or channel.
However, the copyright owners have the right to claim, monetize, and place ads on your video. This claim is NOT a strike on you or your channel and will cause ads to appear around the video. This is how we produce compensation for the use of our song. This is how songwriters are paid.
For videos of a commercial nature that advertise goods or services, promote a product, brand, or political view, or are otherwise commercial in nature, you will need to obtain a synchronization license.